Jessica's Blog

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Our family seems to have birthdays concentrated into a few months of the year, rather then what most people would think, at least one birthday a month. No, to start the year, we have two (soon to be three) in January, one in February, and one in March (mine)... then we have a lull until August. There are two in August, one in September, one in October, and three in November.

But my favorite birthdays to celebrate are the ones that give me a good reason to pull out all of the cute Wilton pans, lots of dyes and make a gallon of icing to decorate ;). Though I didn't get to do as much as wanted to this time.
Jadon turned 5 this January, Zusanah turned 2. We are still waiting to see what the birthday is going to be for January baby number 3.
Instead of making and decorating two cakes, I made Jadon a train cake and Sanni became one of the girls... she got a big cheesecake.

She's so cute, she has to make that face to keep the glasses from falling off her nose.

I made this cheesecake in the pressure cooker for the magazine actually, and it came out soooo good!

As I said, we are still waiting for the arrival of the baby, nothing yet. Not only are we waiting for a baby we are waiting 5 inches of snow to drop later tonight.

posted by ~*~Jessica~*~ at 2:58 PM


I don't think I've been on your blog since your Homestead blog. (Actually, I don't go on blogs very much anymore, but I moderate comments for Gabrielle's blog, so when I approved your comment, I thought of you and wanted to stop by.

I've been praying for your mom all day today. She has come often to mind. I'm hoping that today is the birthday of January baby #3!!

The cheesecake looks super!! I always make cheesecake for Gabrielle's birthday.

Our family (although much smaller than yours) has a similar issue with birthdays and holidays. For us, within a 2 and a half month period, we celebrate all 4 birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, Thanksgiving, Gary's and my anniversary, and Valentine's Day. And most of that (3 birthdays, an anniversary, and Valentine's Day) are within 20 days and some of it (a birthday, an anniversary, and Valentine's day) are 3 consecutive days! I've always thought that we need to have a baby in June or July!!

Patti Gardner

January 16, 2008 at 2:18 PM  

Oh, yum! On both accounts. Then yours is March 1st, right?

January 16, 2008 at 2:54 PM  

Wow, I have never heard of making a cake in a pressure looks awesome...and the train, well now that is talent.

Praying for a safe delivery for your mom.



January 18, 2008 at 7:37 AM  

Thank you Jessica for posting to my blog....I wish I was not so afraid of a Pressure cooker....I probably would love the food you can prepare in it....I love anything "cheesecake:.



January 18, 2008 at 1:36 PM  

This is the FIRST post I ever saw on your blog : ) I remember because your little sister was sooo cute with those glasses on : D


P.S. we actully made the cheese cake later, it was SO good!

May 14, 2009 at 8:58 AM  

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