Jessica's Blog

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Busy Day and Still Waiting...

I don't have much to post about this evening, but felt like posting anyway! I feel that we have been putting about the house for the past few days, working... yet waiting at the same time. No baby yet, but I may be posting pictures of baby sooner than expected.
Though we have been in suspense for the past few days, we have still been working on some sewing projects. Mom almost has the girls dresses done that she has been working on over the last week, and I have been working at the girls pinafores to go with them. The dresses are Romantic era dresses, and look so pretty! I finished the bodice's for the pinafores yesterday, and put the skirts together today. Its actually the first time I have used the serger for a whole dress project. I'm a little afraid of the thing to be honest... that knife hacking away at my fabric and sewing it at the same time! But, after I completed the tops, I think I got used to it.
The curves on the neckline made me nervous, but I think I managed to keep the curve without hacking up too much of the fabric! I cut fabric for ruffles on the arms, but since the dresses have such puffy sleeves, we decided to keep them plain. I will post a picture of them when they are done!
Must run for now, blessings
posted by ~*~Jessica~*~ at 4:57 PM


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