Jessica's Blog

Friday, March 21, 2008

Feeling So Springy*~*~

Next to the beginning of Fall, the beginning of Spring is my favorite time of year. It's between warm and cold, dark and light... color and gray. It's also my preferred season for another reason: there are bugs, but then again there aren't! It's still too cold for them to be flourishing in abundance, which is the way I like it. The middle of summer hits and I start wishing we lived in Antarctica.

We are finally getting ready to fill up our garden, even though it is very small, we make the best of it. Mom is threatening to dig up the other half of our yard. I'm all for it, we don't need ornamental bushes, we need a real garden! I always grow herbs, but I keep those in pots, so it really doesn't take up any room. It's a little late to start seeds, so I will probably just get some plants. I was really disappointed with the seeds I got last year, I think they were just cheap. I got enough herbage (providing that's a word) out of them to throw a small handful in some soup. I was planning on having bags and bags of them to freeze and dry!
Normally we only do a vegetable garden, but since we have so many ideas for the magazine we will be expanding a little with an heirloom flower garden!

This week in pictures~

It was so warm this week we had to make a pie

If you look very closely, you can see the snow blowing around on Pikes Peak. The only thing that ruins this picture is the houses, oh yeah and the attractive wires...

She's getting so big! This is the first time I've managed to get her smiling...


posted by ~*~Jessica~*~ at 12:39 PM


That pie looks soo good! Great pics. Yeah, the bugs are the only thing I don't like about the warmer weather. Anyway, I hope you're doing great!

March 23, 2008 at 5:40 PM  

I love ornamental bushes, so I wouldn't get rid of them! Well, if they are flowering, definitely don't!

Wow! Spirng isn't that close here yet!

March 24, 2008 at 2:32 PM  

She is so cute. I also luv ur blog.


As always,

March 25, 2008 at 6:30 AM  

Thanks for the great photos...pie looks so delicious. Your sister is getting so big.



March 26, 2008 at 9:16 PM  

Oh those strawberries look absolutely wonderful! They're bright and so tempting! Yummoo...

The baby is a doll too. Just adorable. I bet you all are enjoying her! :)

Miss Jocelyn

March 27, 2008 at 9:44 AM  

Hello again! Thanks for your comments on my post. I completely understand what you're saying about your friend and how blogging can be a a downfall if you let it.

And "emo" is a term for kids who dress in black and are sad... emotional... type-thingy. It's kinda like Gothic, but it's different - er something, and very confusing! LOL


March 27, 2008 at 11:56 AM  

Your sister is adorable. Makes me envious (in a good way)!

P.S. Thank you for the links to my websites (Virtuous Weddings and Keeping Home). :-) I have this vague idea that I asked your mom to thank you already, but I have a feeling that is completely imaginary.

April 6, 2008 at 2:20 PM  

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