Jessica's Blog
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Quiet Sunday~
The weather has warmed up to a lovely 55 degrees, so my brother and I have been walking more. A complete relief from almost a month of mostly no exercise, blah. I'm a stickler for a cloudy week, but we have been in the house so much, the clear blue sky is far more appealing.
Walking this morning I realized that out of anyone on the street we have been blessed with the better view. Anyone who lives across the street from us, has a four-sided view of, what? Other houses! Most of our time is spent at the back part of the house, which backs up to a nice large field, we can still the other half of the neighborhood, but they are a ways off. We can see storms come over Pikes Peak, the sunrise, and part of the sunset. Every time I look out the window, I don't have to look at another person! Relatively speaking anyway...
I'm hoping that we can move this year.. I don't know where God might move us. Praying, but not sure. We don't want to live in a neighborhood anymore, I think everyone has pretty much had enough. So we'll see.
The other half of my day yesterday was spent changing my blog, you might have noticed;). The floral mess had to go. I like to design, but occasionally I, (ahem) OVER design! I will be fixing the sidebar over the next few days as well. Since I put my blog in the magazine, I realized I had better clean up the mess! I love to change graphics. I change graphics the way some people move furniture. I will be changing other things as well, like the blog name. No more am I going to attempt to come up with frilly names for my blogs, nope I'm going plain jane. As plain as my name in fact.
Hope everyone is blessed with beautiful day...
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