Jessica's Blog

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Finally, A Cloudy Day~*~

I felt like blogging last night, but alas... I was simply too tired. We had a beautifully cloudy day yesterday. The Colorado climate does not afford many "cloudy" days. It always seems to be sunny, or snowing. With the extremely mild (I prefer to call it lame) winter that we have had, I can only imagine how dry our summer is going to be. I would love some rain right now, not a sprinkle; but a good, long, downpour of rain. Last summer we had more hail then we did rain. It always hails here, hard. Sometimes as often as twice a week. As much as love Colorado, I want some rain!

Now that some of my time has been freed a little, I was able to do what I love to do the most, especially on a cloudy day! Read. What better book to read on a cloudy day then Bleak House? It has been excellent so far. But then I don't think I have ever disliked a book by Charles Dickens. I usually keep three reading books going at one time: one book for my bible study; one, good thick novel; and then another reading book that's a little less challenging to read, generally a play, or a Jane Austen novel.

Not much time for reading today though, we are getting ready to launch our new website. We are in the middle of filling right now. Lots of photo tutorials are going in this one, so I think it will be a lot more fun and visually helpful. All in all, way more fun then just a bunch of stuff!

Off to work! Have a wonderful Saturday...


posted by ~*~Jessica~*~ at 10:22 AM


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