Jessica's Blog

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Bees Are Not My Friends...

No, the bees are not my friends, but we have been trying to get along for the past two days... and failing. And when we start to fail in sharing space I end up running around the yard yelling and screaming and waving my arms about. Now, people look at me funny, and say that there's no reason to do that, but they have also been stung numerous times in their lifetime... my method has kept me sting-free, so why reform?

The weather here in Colorado has cooked up to a whoppin' *almost* 85 degrees... or at least it will be tomorrow. I enjoy warm weather, within reason. We had a few wonderfully rainy days over the last two weeks, but as predicted, it has stopped... most likely for the whole summer. We have been in a drought for the last two years, we are under constant water restrictions. So with no rain, lots of sun, and when it's sunny it's windy... we spend a good part of the summer coughin' dust.

Knowing that it was going to be hot again today, I went out early this morning to get the other half of our garden planted. I know a lot of you have gardens that are way past the starting stage, but our growing season is about half of what everyone else's is. In other words, it snowed last week, seriously!

Yesterday we did some flowers, including a beautiful climbing yellow rose, and half of the vegetable garden. This year's crop is going to be~ cucumbers, a tomato plant that I'm trying to save, peppers, pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, lettuce and spinach. We wanted to do more, but since we are planning on moving and are unsure of when that will be, we kept it small and to what we know will really grow. Our zucchini always does extremely well, the average size of them is usually 8-14 inches and makes the best fried zucchini! Tomatoes don't seem to like our soil... so whether I get the one plant to produce anything is debatable... and cucumbers went nuts last year! I tried to get enough of them at one time to make pickles, but we kept eating them!

Had to get some pictures while I was out there! ~*~

~*~ This was a very special find near our front porch. My Mom had two miscarriages in a row two years ago and planted these... they didn't bloom until now, one for each of the babies.

posted by ~*~Jessica~*~ at 10:16 AM


Those are some Terrific pictures!! What are those Yellow flowers?
Sounds like your family has a great start on the garden! We finally put our seeds in the ground last week and it's neat to watch them come up!

May 19, 2008 at 6:28 PM  

The yellow flowers are tulips :) It wasn't until after I posted that I realized I hadn't said what they were! I love tulips, I want a whole field of them!

May 19, 2008 at 8:39 PM  

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May 19, 2008 at 8:39 PM  

What gorgeous photos...and what a wonderful memory of the babies in heaven.



May 21, 2008 at 6:02 PM  

Jocelyn~ Thank you, and that's ok, I don't think I've been around your blog either!! We have dandelions *and* ragweed in a flowing abundance :P (ahchoo!)

Connie~ Mom was so sad that they didn't bloom, it was such a blessing the other morning to see those lovely yellow blooms!

May 22, 2008 at 7:52 AM  

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