Jessica's Blog

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Trip to The Store~*~ Six Kids and A Sister

A few packages needed to be dropped off at the Post Office yesterday afternoon, generally my job so I got everything packed, labeled and stamped. As I was passing through the kitchen I noticed the children scattered about with coloring books and cards, so I asked "Who wants to go for a ride?". An uproar of voices is heard along with the thunderous sound of feet blowing in all directions for for shoes and jackets. Blank stares from Mother as she inquires if I'm going to take everybody? Sure, why not?

I tell them to wait on the front porch while I grab my purse and packages, and stay OUT of the snow. I approach the front door and glance out the window and what do I see? Six children running circles in the snow. "Do you guys want hearing aids for Christmas?". Another small scuffle as everyone battles out seating arrangements. Finally six children plus myself finally make it into the car. It was deliberated that a stop at Wal-Mart was also necessary, so most of the ride was passed by the children negotiating for candy.

"Could we just get one thing, a bag of something to split between everybody?"


"How about a pack of gum?"

"hmm, maybe."

A whisper from the back- "She said maybe!"

The older boys ran everything into the Post Office for me and off we headed to Wal-Mart. Before anyone is allowed out of the car I always ask the same question, "What are the rules?". Everybody chimes in with
"No running, no fighting, no asking for things, we have to be quiet, walk in a straight line... and uh, is that it?

"How about no throwing things into the cart when I'm not paying attention?", I ask. I don't know how many times I've gotten to the check out only to find bags of things I know I didn't put in the cart.

So in marched our long procession, youngest to oldest... it's like watching a trail of ducks go through the store. With me at the head with the cart, Jadon our caboose, our train snaked it's way around the store to the various needed places. Little hands reaching out once in a while to grab that interesting nick-nack, they thing they swear we need, that whatcha-ma-callit, and who knows what else. I don't even bother to turn around to see what they're doing, I just know that a "Put that back" and "Get back in line" is necessary every few seconds.

Little Evie needed some toys now that she is getting bigger, so I thought it might be possible to venture in through the toy jungle without to big of a problem getting back out of it. I was failing to find what I was looking for, no wonder. I forgot that the baby toys were in the Baby section, not mixed in with the "Mattel Mess". On our way out of the forest of junk, we passed a man looking at toys. He had a little girl in the cart, it looked more like the toy was for him as the girl wasn't paying the least bit of attention.

After finding Evie some little things that she can sit and jingle about with, and after the children had turned on every battery-operated, noise-making toy we moved on to the finish line. The produce isle.

I was getting some veges for dinner, and banannas for the baby while Jadon and Zoe went to look at the Lobsters. In between are a few comments from by-standers, "Good heavens, are they all yours?"

Almost done now, we start moving to the check-out. From the back of the train, a very loud "POW!!!". Madison had grabbed a plastic bag from the apple bin, blew it up.. and just couldn't resist.. she popped it. Now how could you just not laugh at that?

I do the self-checkout, always an interesting experience with the children helping. Even more so with people behind us who not only have no children, but the only thing they want to buy is a bottle of soda. The littles are losing it now, simply no interest, they want to know how this is going to take. I finish, but the boys are insisting that they buy the gum with their own money. Ok, these people are just going to have to be patient, though I could feel everyone burning a hole in the back of my head.

Finally done. Getting out to the car was the boring part.

posted by ~*~Jessica~*~ at 4:42 PM


I so can relate to this post and I have to say that my favorite part is people staring as we walk through the stores!! I've watched many a person smile as we tramp through stores so it's actually a blessing at time!!
I've done this with a brother or two and two or three other kids thrown in for good measure!! It's always a blast when I get to take the boys someplace!!
Popping the bag was great!!! :o)

May 2, 2008 at 1:15 PM  

I love taking all of the kids places, and lots of boys always makes a shopping trip more interesting! Somehow I get lonely if I go somewhere by myself!

Speaking of boys suddenly reminded me of what Jordan was doing by the bananna stand. Here is a brother that has no shame.. to make me laugh, he decides that he is going to start dancing, a very dramatic version of the running man ;) LOL Since this dance was meant for me, he had his back to everyone else, who were either staring and/or laughing! This boy is the epitome of "no peer pressure" .. and people say homeschoolers aren't socialized.

May 3, 2008 at 8:22 AM  

Oh dear! I didn't always enjoy taking them to the store either, for the same reasons. But after I took over our library trips, it just became more fun, and we've had to "practice" with the rules. I have found that bribing sometimes works very nicely ;). They usually just know that if they're good, I might let them get a treat of some sort. Last library trip it was Honey sticks from the Vitamin Cottage, total mistake in the car, but they loved them.

May 6, 2008 at 7:21 AM  

oh gracious! how hilarious! I *LOVE* this post, toot sweet! TOO cute : D Lol! It makes me look forward to draggin my own kids along... *happy sigh* HEAVEN!! : D And I mean it too! =)

Love ya!! HUGS!

April 8, 2010 at 10:38 AM  

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